
How to Peel & Cut a Mango

Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits.  Last week I bought a box full of them from our local warehouse store, and they. taste. so. good. 

My husband grew up in the West Indies and according to him, mangoes grew on the trees in his neighborhood.  When he wanted a fresh, ripe, juicy mango, he would just pick one, peel it, and eat it.  Just like that.


Me?  Well, I struggle with mangoes.  I love them, but they do not love me back.  I can never seem to cut them right and I ultimately end up just peeling them and then biting into them over the kitchen sink.  Those coveted juices run up my arms and drip down from my elbows.  It's a mess.  A blissful, wonderful mess.

Now you know why I am so excited about finding this short video tutorial, "How to Cut and Peel a Mango."  Maybe you could use it, too?

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  1. what a gorgous site you have here! thanks for visiting mine today! :)
    and the mango thing! good to know, we like to try them once in a while (not common where I live) and I had no clue how to do it lol

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this! Very helpful. :)

  3. I still remember when I first learned how to cut a mango. (I was over at a friend's house and her 3-year-old wanted one for a snack.) Every time I cut one I think of her. It's a great skill to learn! Thanks for sharing.

  4. We love mangoes in my family! My mom used to buy them all the time growing up. It is by far my favorite fruit. And I have a constant supply in our kitchen! On our honeymoon in the BVI, the small island we stayed on had TONS of mango trees. They were like a whole different breed of mango in my opinion. SO very juicy and sweet and very unlike what we find here. I had never eaten one without cutting it until then. It makes for quite the messy/tasty experience!

  5. PS- that's not how I cut a mango!! But an interesting alternative..

  6. My mom taught me how to cut a mango. Such a great addition to a summer salad!

    Once I'm done separating the meat, I scrape the pit with my knife while holding it over the salad. The juice is a great addition and usually it's enough "dressing" for my salad. Yum!

  7. Oh wow--I have never cut a mango correctly! This is a great tip!


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