
Commit to Bible Reading in 2011, and Five Tips to Help You Begin

"The Bible was written not to be studied, but to change our lives."
- Dr. Howard Hendricks

On Monday, I shared my heart about the importance of reading the Bible, and I asked if you'd join me in making an increased commitment to Bible reading in 2011.

Today, I'd like to share something with you that made reading the Bible from cover to cover much easier for my husband and I, and that is the 90 Day Bible:

The Bible in 90 Days: Cover to Cover in 12 Pages a Day (New International Version)
One year it took me four months to complete this Bible, and another year it took me six months.  Some actually do complete it in the advertised 90 days, but sometimes being a mama means that days aren't perfectly planned out.
By reading only twelve pages a day, it is possible complete this entire Bible in 90 days.  Most days, I can read the twelve pages in about 45 minutes time.  I usually do it in the morning, but you can break it up and do six pages in the morning and six pages at night, or whatever works for you.
If you don't want to purchase the Bible, you can find a similar reading plan available here and here, and you can simply print it from your computer (for free) and use it with your own Bible.
The objective is to read the Bible.
Some will complain that reading it through this quickly doesn't give you a chance to really study it, absorb it, meditate on it.  I know.  I've heard the arguments, and I beg to differ.  I enjoy the "big picture" aspect of reading it through this way, and then pausing to study in more detail when I come across an intriguing passage.
Reading the Bible through, whether you're reading it in 90 days, one year, or five years, will change you.  Period.
You will learn and you will grow; you will become a student of the Word and not merely a spectator.  You will be a participant in the Word and no longer a passive observer.  You will discover firsthand the truths that He has revealed in His Word.  Your spiritual life will grow and mature.  You will begin to crave that special time in the Word each morning!
Five Tips To Help You Begin:
1.  Choose a reading plan, and then set a time aside each day to read.  Do not say that you will read here and there as you can find the time.... the time will never come. 
2. Commit to waking 45 minutes earlier each morning, and set your alarm
3.  Get the coffee or tea ready the night before so it's easier to grab a cup and stumble over to the armchair. 
 4.  Do not do a "quick" check of your email before you complete your day's reading, and don't open Facebook, either.  Stay focused!  No computer time until you are done!
5.  If you are unable to finish your reading goal that morning (perhaps the children awoke earlier than normal), then commit to finishing the reading during naptime or just before bed.  Don't put it off until the next day; it will quickly become overwhelming.
In twenty years, will you still be wishing you had done it?  Or will you make this year the year?
I'm praying for you - I know you can do it!

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  1. We have been talking alot about what our plans will be for Bible reading for our whole family next year. I love that you offered this because my daughter, Janai, just suggested this to me yesterday and I had not heard of it. I think I will print this out and give it a go---thanks SO much and Happy New Year to your lovely family!

  2. Thank you for challenging me! I'm always up for a challenge and this one is very important to me :)

  3. Thank you for this inspiring post!! I have been looking for a "plan" to read the bible through this year...I am going to use the "90 day" day bible, as you recommended. This year will be my year!!! :) Once again, thank you for taking the time to post.

  4. thanks for the challenge each year i think this is the year then I end up not getting it done I will use your tips to try to get me to do it

  5. I love that you put it out in pages and time. Excellent!

  6. I'm so glad it was a blessing to each of you - and I look forward to hearing about your progress as you go along! How exciting!

  7. Yes, we all need more of God's Word!

    Thanks for sharing... so encouraging. Keep serving Christ.

    <3 Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

  8. I have joined in with reading a chapter of Proverbs every day on a blog I enjoy (www.anordinarymom.com) and am really enjoying it. I will have to check out the 90 day Bible.

  9. You have a beautiful blog here! What a gentle place to land for some refreshing. I'd love for you to visit The Brick House http://thebrickhousebunch.blogspot.com

  10. Reading my Bible more often has been heavy on my heart this last week or so. One night I read for a solid hour- probably the longest I've ever just read, without a particular Bible study to ponder. I like the idea of the entire thing in 90 days, thanks for sharing.

  11. Great post, especially the list to stay on track and not get distracted or sucked into anything less important. I am reading through sort of following Mom's Tool Box; I started a little late. I'm already finding myself saying, "So that's where that verse is..."


I truly enjoy reading your comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts; you've all helped to create a wonderful little community here at Like a Bubbling Brook.

Please remember the old adage "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." While I love to hear from you, comments encouraging division and condemnation will not be published - rather, they will be promptly deleted.

I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say! I wish we could chat over coffee or tea one day ~

