
Stay Awhile

Painting by Frederick Daniel Hardy

"Put on your jammies."

"Have a snack before bed, honey.  Bread?  Milk?"

"Don't forget to brush your teeth."

"Ready for your Bible story?"

"Come on, I'll tuck you into bed."

This is our usual bedtime routine.  It has become, well, routine.  Do one thing, then the next, and the next...  Off to bed they go.  Kiss on the forehead and turn out the light.

Tonight, though, was different.

"Mommy, can I sleep with you?"  he asked me.

"Not tonight, honey."  I looked into his eyes and saw rejection.  It pierced me.

"Come here and let me hold you for awhile," I said. 

He crawled in to my arms.

I rocked him, sang softly to him... remembering what it was like to hold him when he was so much smaller.

As he began to fall asleep, I nudged him.  "Let me carry you to bed and I'll lay with you for a little while."

We crawled into bed.  I kissed his little boy cheeks, rubbed his head, traced my finger on his nose.

After awhile, I began to gently slip my leg out from under the covers.

His little hand clenched my shirt.

"Don't go," he whispered.

And so I stayed awhile longer.

Our time with these precious blessings slips by so quickly.  Lord, help me to treasure every moment.  Help me to be wholly present.


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  1. It feels like we are so busy anymore that this is hard to do. I'm home with my children every single day, all day long, since we homeschool, yet this is something that some days are lacking. Truly spending time with them, not just being there physically. Love this post.

  2. BTW this is such a good reminder, would you mind linking it to my Tuesday's Tips?


  3. Lori, I will gladly link it. Thank you for inviting me.

    Jaime G

  4. My husband and I have been trying to train our kids to go to bed on their own since we have a third on the way this summer. Yet, one of us seems to give in to cuddling and falling asleep with the kids at least every other night... These moments are so precious and so brief when you consdier a lifetime, even if bedtime on any given night can seem eternal. So, thank you for reminding me that it is okay to give in and to enjoy the blessings of each given moment, whether they are part of the bedtime gial or not!

  5. Man, I am tearing up just reading this.

    Bless you for the reminder.


  6. Wow, this post made me get teary-eyed. Thanks for reminding us how quickly they do grow up and to cherish every moment with them while we can.

  7. What a beautiful, beautiful post and a wonderful reminder. We can all stand to be more "present" for our children. Kudos to you for making the right choice. I try to remember this as I comfort my teething baby girl at all hours of the night lately... the time goes so fast...

  8. Good reminder! I can be so impatient with my kids around bedtime, thinking past the prayer and the storytelling to the next hour when I can spend some time alone and quiet.

    But they need me to be present at the end of the day.

  9. Beautiful! Momma-hood is beautiful in general!

  10. I hope I always keep my kids on top of my list. I don't ever want to be to busy to be with them. They grow up so fast. That was truly beautiful!!

  11. "His little hand clenched my shirt.

    "'Don't go,' he whispered."


    You stayed, and now he knows you will stay when he asks...he knows you will be there.

    These are the mothering moments we carry with us forever.

  12. those moments are SO sweet. It's hard to stop and linger with them, especially at night, but I'm always glad when I do.


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