
Precious Time With My Children

"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth." Psalm 127: 4-5
Children are a blessing... a reward.  We believe that, and we cherish our time with our two boys.

That's why, when SarahMae offered this challenge, I just had to join in.

One day?  Anything my lovelies wanted?  Precious time with them while being completely present?  Surely I could give them one day. 

And so we played in the backyard while our large lilac bush was in full bloom and so very fragrant.

We had water fights with the garden hose.  Splashed in the kiddie pool.  Chased each other.  Got in Daddy's way as his strong arms pushed the lawnmower through 90 degree heat.  Drank icy cold drinks together.  Scribbled chalk on the patio.  Lounged on lawn chairs.  Crawled through tunnels.  Blew bubbles.

And it was wonderful.

Think you might want to do it, too?

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Linked with Finer Things FridayWFMW, Word-Filled WednesdayTuesdays Unwrapped and Gratituesday.

holy experience


  1. Not one day - every day! Sometimes I get so focused on my other roles in life, I forget what a privilege it is to be home with my kids. Then, I stop and revel in the gift! Enjoy yours!

  2. Martianne, I'm like you... it's easy for me to get focused on everything else I have to do and there are seasons when I constantly hear myself saying to them, "Not now," or "in a little while."

    It was great to have a day that was set aside just for them, not housework or much of anything else...just them :o)

  3. What a great day! Thank you for sharing it with us!


  4. Passing through from Tuesdays Unwrapped, I love days like this!

  5. Oh how sweet!! I'm so blessed with a rich heritage of sons as well. Five of them!! He's precious...

    Loved your pictures too.

    Thanks so much for joining us this WFW♥

  6. So lovely and praying that you have more of these precious days scheduled..

  7. What a precious gift and treasure to give and receive. Time with God's gifts to us. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Awesome! Time is such a lovely gift.


  9. You are so right. It's always a pleasure to run into someone who appreciates the high calling of motherhood and enjoys it.

  10. Amen, children are precious gifts straight from God's heart.

  11. Children are little for such a short time, but the memories will last forever...

  12. Neat testimony, well linked to the pictures. Thanks!

  13. Very cool! Great pics!

  14. I need to do that! I get caught up in the "just a seconds" and "not nows" of life. Need to let go of everything else every once in a while.


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