
I'll Be Studying about the Word of God this Week; Will You Join Me?

I have been blessed with a very sweet husband.

He bought me a new bible.  For Mother's Day.  The one I've been dreaming about.  You know the one.  Turns out, it was in stock after all...

For the past month I've been running my fingers over its cover, perusing through the pages, smelling it, enjoying it.  I'm thankful for it and I treasure it.

He asked me what I'd been reading in it lately, and I felt ashamed to say that I'd been dancing around quite a bit ~ a portion here, a chapter over there.  No rhyme or reason.

This week, though, I've decided to focus on a simple inspirational study about the Word: what it is, what it should mean to me, how I should respond to it.

Would you care to join me in studying this week?

Here's what I'll be contemplating and using as a guide:
 The Bible is the Word of God ~

It is holy, inerrant, infallible, and completely authoritative. (Proverbs 30:5-6, John 17:17, Psalm 199:89)

It is profitable for teaching, reproving, correcting, and training me in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)

It matures and equips me so that I am ready for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17)

It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)

It brings me stability during the storms in my life. (Matthew 7:24-27)

If I believe its truth, I can be set free.  (John 8:32)

If I hide it in my heart, I will be protected in times of temptation. (Psalm 199:11)

It is the powerful, living, discerning Word of God. (Hebrews 4:12)

It is the Sword of the Spirit. (Ephesians 6:17)

It is sweeter than honey and more desirable than gold. (Psalm 19:10)

It is forever settled in heaven.  (2 Corinthians 13:7-8, Psalm 119:89)

It is absolutely true with no measure of error.  (John 17:17, Titus 1:2)

It is absolutely true about God.  (Romans 3:4, Romans 16:25-27, Colossians 1)

It is absolutely true about man.  (Jeremiah 17:9, Psalm 8:4-6)

It is absolutely true about sin.  (Romans 3:23)

It is absolutely true about salvation (Acts 2, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9)

It is absolutely true about heaven and hell. (Revelation 21:8, Psalm 119:89)
That's it.  Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.  Will you join me?   From the comfort of your own home?

Please let me know if you are planning to participate by sharing your thoughts in the comment section.

UPDATE 6/3/10:  If you are late in joining us, that's just fine... you may also want to check out today's post for more inspiration.

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  1. I would love to join you this week. I too have been dancing around quite a bit. Like you I want to have more of a focus. It can be so easy to take a step off the path and dance around during these summer days.
    In my quiet time a few moments ago I was just praying about how I was feeling like I was spinning around and how can I focus more on Him.
    Love how things work out!:)
    Looking forward to studying the word with you this week!

  2. Hi Jaime,

    I've been doing the same thing...kind of hopping around lately. While there's really nothing wrong with that, I am desiring something more focused. Thank you for writing this out...I will study along with you! :)

    By the way, I noticed you have "Passionate Housewives" on your book list. I read that recently and was so blessed! I wanted to start all over again reading as soon as I was done...but I'd promised it to a friend so I sent it off! I've only recently become familiar with Jennie's ministry as I've signed on to take her England costume-making tour this summer. So thankful to have been introduced to her, Stacy and Vision Forum as I've already been positively influenced to make some great changes :)

    Looks as if you and I have a few things in common...I'll sign up to follow your blog.

    Have a happy Gratituesday!


  3. Rachel, I always love it when God works that way ;o) So glad to have you join me!

  4. Sarah, yes, I have been very blessed by the Passionate Housewives book as well as Vision Forum. They have many great resources! I didn't know about Jennie's costume-making tour, though; that sounds like fun!

    Thanks for joining me this week :o) Feel free to comment as we go along...

  5. Jaime,
    I know what you mean...I've done it both ways. Right now I'm working on moving through the Bible digging deeper in certain passages. I'm finding it so wonderful and relevant. I'm exploring verses in books that I've never taken the time to study...awesome!

    What a great way to focus in the summer!!


  6. This was great Jaime!

    I love to study the word, it's so rich, so deep, so full of LIFE!!

    I'm starting Ruth with Beth Moore soon. Doing my on personal study now♥

  7. Sounds like a great study. I'm currently focusing on love but I tend to hop around as well unless I choose a particular book of the Bible as my focus.

  8. I will join you! I NEED to join you!

  9. Looks like a great study, I'm starting one on motherhood this week too, but I'll try and pop in! :)

  10. For those of you joining in, you may want to check out today's post: http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2010/06/studying-word-need-inspiration-video.html

    How are you all doing? :o) Let me know!

  11. You are so inspirational! Currently we're doing a bible study with Crystal L. on the beginning! Great place to start for a newbie, huh? ;)


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Please remember the old adage "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." While I love to hear from you, comments encouraging division and condemnation will not be published - rather, they will be promptly deleted.

I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say! I wish we could chat over coffee or tea one day ~

