
Meal Plan, Week of April 5th

Pictured above: Chili Pie

Lots of yummy, nutritious foods are on my meal plan for this week!  They're frugal, too :o)  Hope this gives you a few ideas...and be sure to check out OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday carnival for more meal planning inspiration.

Breakfasts and Snacks:

Soaked whole wheat bread with butter & jam
Granola bars
Fresh Fruit
Homemade yogurt
Farm fresh eggs over toast
Fresh veggie juice
Whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread


Tuna sandwiches with cheese, minced onion, lettuce, pickles
Peanut butter and honey sandwiches


Bacon, Egg, & Avocado Salad
Grilled amish chicken with potatoes, peppers, onions, garlic
Chili pie with a side salad
Spaghetti with bacon, onions, and tomatoes and a side salad
Chicken roti / veggie roti (Trinidad-style, with potatoes, chickpeas, and carrots)


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