
The R.L. Allan Reader's Reference Bible

Is it okay to covet if we're coveting a new Bible?

These are on backorder until August, but we'll be putting monies aside for one. My hubby is so sweet; he diligently researched, found this lovely Bible, and wants me to have one.  I haven't had a new Bible in several years. 

What do you think?  The tan is my favorite.

I really like the goat skin and the full-yapp option; see how the leather edges drape ever-so-nicely over the pages?

After this, I shouldn't need a new Bible for many years.  It's an heirloom I can pass down to my children.  A treasure from mama.

Looks like we'll be tweaking the budget for the next few months.  Anyone know of a coupon code for Evangelical Bible?

Read more about the R.L. Allan Reader's Reference Bible at Mark Bertrand's Bible Design Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    The Reader is still avalable at evangelicalbible.com, it is the smaller ESV seriesthat's being reprinted. I own the Reader's version, which I would highly recommend. The type is slightly larger at 10.3 point rather than 9.5 point in the ESV1


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