
Have You Heard About Swagbucks?

Search & Win

Want to earn some rainy day money?

Using the Swagbucks site is a great way to earn cash and prizes just by searching the web. When you search on Google (or another search engine), they are making money from your search. You may have noticed that the first few links that appear in the Google results are sponsored links. They are getting paid by the advertisers to show you these advertisements, or as they call them, sponsored links.

Swagbucks, though, pays you back a part of their profit. By simply switching search engines, you can earn a few dollars each month. I downloaded the Swagbucks toolbar just to make searching easier. Why? Because I can earn a $5 Amazon gift card for only 45 Swagbucks! It's that easy!

And, just so you know, Swagbucks is powered by Google and Ask.com, so you are still getting great search results.

Why not do it? It's free, it's easy, and it's a great way to start earning a few extra dollars to set aside for a rainy day. I have a friend who earned enough money using Swagbucks that she was able to buy almost all of her Christmas gifts with them.

Don't forget to download the toolbar to make searching and earning Swagbucks easier!

You should get three Swagbucks to start just by signing up here.

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